Wednesday 14 January 2009

14th Jan 2009 - Oh Happy Days!

Yes, don't worry I'm still here, apologies to my dear friend Patti in Indiana who rang me this evening because my last entry mentioned possible 'phlebitis' and then I haven't 'blogged' for a couple of days. The only reason for this is that I haven't had alot to say and I've been making the most of my extra week, enjoying some time out as well as some really nice meals.

I should have had a visit from my friend Hilary today, but it had to be postponed. The sun was shining when we got up, so I went for yet another blood test and then we headed off for York. I decided that I wanted to buy some new clothes as many of mine are a little baggy at the moment. I ended up with a lovely long denim skirt, some striped jeans and a pair of ankle boots. We also had dinner at The Ate O'clock - my last chance to really enjoy a meal for a while again.

I'm not looking forward to tomorrow, but at least I can think that I'm half way through, three to go.