Wednesday 11 March 2009

Wed. 11th Mar. 2009 'I want to give up now'

Yes, I am truly brassed off with the whole thing now. Several days of feeling completely wiped, generally ill and useless, combined with aching joints and now the all familiar diarrhoea is making me seriously consider not having the last session. It would be so great to think 'that's it and I can get back to feeling normal'. I can hear everyone saying 'but it's only one more' and I know I'm close to the finish line, but when you feel so crap that doesn't help and all I can think is that I have to do this again in a few weeks. I'm very low generally this morning and admit to a few tears, which doesn't help and tends to make Graham feel like he should be doing more, but there's nothing anyone can do, so I'll try to get on with the day as best I can.

In response to the above, my daughter Roo dropped everything and came through from Ilkley to stay the night. It really made a difference to the day, we ordered a Chinese, watched a few episodes of 'Sex in the City' and a 'Chic Flic' which took my mind off how I felt - thanks Roo.