Friday 13 March 2009

Frid. 13th March 2009 'Red Nose Day'

What a beautiful day, it's been a real tonic for me despite my ongoing problems. I sat on the outside step this morning and re-potted some of my house plants, marvelled at my tiny tomato seedlings which have just popped through and groomed the dog (very therapeutic).

For some reason I really fancied 'Toad in the Hole' today and as my son Louis and his fiancee Colleen were coming I decided to have a go. The beating in of the egg and milk nearly finished me off, but I managed. Sadly I only ate a few mouth fulls as it tasted disgusting (to me that is), it really frustrates me and I can't wait to get my sense of taste back, I think I'll have a big party to celebrate!

Anyway, it's 'Red Nose Night' on TV so I'm sure there'll be lots of laughs and some tears.