Saturday 21 March 2009

Sat. 21st Mar. 2009 'Happy Naw Ruz'

This is the Bahai New Year (Naw Ruz) and Bahais all over the world will be celebrating tonight, so I wish them well and thank them for their thoughts and prayers.

I can honestly say that I've had a super day today, even my chest seemed better. The weather has been wonderful and we made our usual Saturday trip to York for coffee with good friend Alan. Alan's wife Chris, who was a beautiful lady and a dear friend, lost her fight with cancer in April 2005 and I think about her often and how she must have been feeling at times. I wish I'd had the knowledge I have now and I sincerely hope I offered empathy and not sympathy (something we talked about today).

We bumped into Graham's Brother and Sister in Law, so we all went for lunch and I really enjoyed it. I get butterflies when I think about Thursday, but until then I'm going to really enjoy myself, so Happy New Year everyone!