Tuesday 3 February 2009

Tues. 3rd Feb. 2009

The snow has almost gone and the sun is shining. I feel really physically good and I've spent some of the day cleaning because I find it quite therapeutic, it also helps me prepare for my next treatment because I know I won't be looking at the dust, or the dirty windows and feeling frustrated because I can't sort them. It's no reflection on Graham's support, he would do anything I ask and does alot of the day to day cleaning, but I still need to feel useful.

Mentally I'm struggling and I've really appreciated the words of support on my blog. I'll be fine, it's just knowing how crap I'm going to feel that makes it difficult, plus Graham and I are seeing the Consultant this time and I have questions!. My daughter is coming too, she's going to be my 'buddy' during the chemotherapy and I'm looking forward to seeing her.