Porridge and morphine for breakfast; chicken casserole and morphine for lunch - wahaay!
All going to plan, thanks for all the good wishes, more soon.
-- Post From Roo's iPhone :-)
I was first down for surgery at 8a.m. on 28th April. I was clerked in, had a word with MJ about the op. He said there was a possibility he might have to put in a small implant, but would try to avoid this if I didn't want it, which I don't. Hopefully the breast will settle down to a similar size, but if it's smaller he will do a reduction on the other at a later date.
In the anaesthetic room and terrified, but they were wonderful. It was difficult siting a vein due to their knackeredness and some phlebitis, but of course they're experts so I was quickly away.
Woke in recovery at 2p.m. I always cry when I wake up, simply because I'm relieved to be back. It wasn't until I needed a bed pan that I realised how big the op had been. I wasn't expecting to have such pain down my back into the lower back muscle (and that was with pain relief).
Once back on the ward I have a lovely big side room. Apparently MJ likes his Mastectomy/Reconstruction ladies to have a quiet room as we need to be able to rest and the bays can be noisy with people coming and going round the clock, mostly with gynaecological problems.
I was extremely sleepy when Ruth, Gor and Graham came at 3p.m. I remember them being there, but kept drifting off. The only other thing I remember is sipping some ginger beer Graham had and promptly being sick. I have Nasal O2, a Hartmans drip, two drains and a PCAS syringe driver (self medicating morphine), so it's going to be a long night.
29th April - 2009 - As you can see in the above picture I was looking quite well, despite a very strange uncomfortable night. I really enjoyed some porridge, had an assisted wash and was able to pee properly for the first time. It feels as though someone has pumped up my left breast and sewn in several bricks down my back, I daren't look. The PCAS keeps the pain at a manageable level, but finding a comfortable position in bed is damned near impossible.
Graham, Ruth and Alan came in the afternoon. Ruth brought me my first Frappacino which I really enjoyed, she also worked out how to post a picture (above) onto my blog via her i-phone.
Evening visitors - Ruth and Dad came back and Joe and Louis came too. We had a laugh at some old photo albums he found at his Mums.
Later that evening I was aware of increased pressure in my boob which was pressing on my sternum and making me feel short of breath and anxious. The nurses felt it was worth checking so they bleeped the on-call doctor, but they felt it was better to wait and let MJ take a look in the morning, hence I had a very poor night.