Sunday 27 December 2009

Frid. 25th Dec. 'Christmas Day' 2009

Good morning world, it's Christmas Day!!!
I slept reasonably well, but the two surgery sites under my arm did come to life and were too painful to lay on. Both scars are about 4" long, one is quite high up actually on the reconstructed breast and has taken away the bulkiness I could see above the line of my bra strap and under my arm. The other has removed a 'dog ear' line which was visible below my bra strap. I can't actually see the wounds yet as I still have dressings in place. However, my 'Christmas present'... is visible and although it does look a bit 'messy' at the moment, the overall result is pretty amazing.

The day was fantastic, very relaxing and lots of fun. I missed my boys, but I was happy in the knowledge that they were having a good time together and enjoying their presents!

As for other presents, well they were wonderful and I feel so lucky to have such a great family, without who I know I would have a very empty life!